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Queensland fruit fly 101​

Andrew Jessup, a renowned entomologist who has been studying fruit flies for over 30 years sits down with the Fruit Fly Murray Valley Regional Coordinator to discuss the behaviour of Queensland Fruit Flies.

Let's be Queensland fruit fly warriors

Tricia, a community support officer with the Greater Sunraysia Fruit Fly Group is here to teach you a little bit about a flying insect called Queensland Fruit Fly.

Keeping your garden clean and tidy 


Keeping your garden clean and tidy helps to break the life cycle of the Queensland Fruit Fly.​

Traps and lures​

Queensland fruit fly traps and lures are designed to attract and subsequently kill fruit flies making them a great tool to manage fruit fly in your garden.

The best defence against Queensland fruit fly is an insect net


Creating a physical barrier between flies and your fruit with a fine meshed net is simplest way of growing clean fruit.


Identifying Queensland fruit fly


Correctly identifying the any pest is crucial to direct controls and treatments. This video takes you through the steps to correctly identify Queensland fruit fly. 

Planning your veggie garden


Plant vegetables in your garden that are not host fruits for Queensland fruit fly and will help avoid attracting flies to your garden.


Bait spraying a reliable and IPM friendly way to reduce Queensland fruit fly numbers


Mildura Fruit Company's Justin Lane discusses the importance of Queensland fruit fly control.​

Cover sprays are often not suitable for home gardens


Talk with your local chemical supplier if cover sprays are suitable for your garden. 


Importance of controlling Queensland fruit fly


Table grape grower Jeremy Boyd discusses the importance of fruit fly control.

Bait spraying to control Queensland fruit fly on your farm


Alison MacGregor from the Australian Table Grape Association discusses the benefits of using bait spray to control Queensland fruit fly on commercial properties.

Bait spraying in your home garden

If you have a big garden of 10 or more trees, an option that can be used in conjunction with other control methods is to apply a weekly bait spray which will help to lower the fruit fly population.

Harvest beautiful produce with an insect net


Queensland fruit fly is a pest, but with nets to keep fruit fly out, you can harvest beautiful produce.

Protect your beautiful fruit from fruit fly 

Queensland fruit fly is a pest, protect your beautiful produce by following these few tips.​



John joins the fruit fly fight

After years of struggling with fruit fly on his own, John Fox joined the free community Fruit Fly Fighter Program for help to successfully control the pest in his big backyard.

Consider how many fruit trees you actually need


If you have fruit trees in your garden that are prone to fruit fly attack, or if you have multiples of the same variety, extremely large trees, trees you can’t physically manage or trees you just no longer want, consider removing the tree altogether.



Bait Like a Boss: part 1

Australian Table Grape Association video: What's in fruit fly bait

Bait Like a Boss: part 2

Australian Table Grape Association video: Recognising fruit fly



Finding success in fighting fruit fly

Gill and Mick have found success in growing produce that is free from fruit fly by using insect netting to protect vulnerable plants in their garden.

Making a tree change

An unmanaged Queensland fruit fly problem at Michelle’s new home almost ruined her dream of growing her own fruit. But with some help, she has become very confident controlling fruit fly and looks forward to pruning her trees every year so they can be protected with insect nets.


MRCC - PO Box 105,
Mildura Victoria 3502


P: 03 5022 0327



76 Deakin Avenue,
Mildura Victoria 3500

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The Fruit Fly Murray Valley program is supported by the Victorian Government 


© 2023 by Fruit Fly Murray Valley 

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